Mission & Vision

Connecting Generations to Christ, to community, to calling

Vision Statement:

Connecting generations


This is our priority: to connect people to Jesus Christ through a personal relationship with the Lord through Teaching of the Bible, Preaching, and Discipleship of each member of the body.


Community is defined as primarily, inside the house. The community of Trinity Church.


This has a dual meaning: 1.) fulfilling the calling/purpose each person was individually created to accomplish. 2.) to fulfill Biblical calling in the community (outside.)

The Mission

We believe that God's mandate for Trinity Church in this season is to be about "Connecting the Generations."
We will accomplish this as every "part", both younger and older, does its share. This then will cause growth of the Body of Christ as it builds itself up through loving acts of serving.

The Vision

At Trinity Church our goal is to grow together in our relationship with Jesus, moving closer to the person God wants us to be. We have many ministries that help us to facilitate in that growth process, and we encourage every member to get connected with these ministries.

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