Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14

If you are 7-11 years old, please come join us on Sunday mornings at 9:00 & 11:00am and Wednesday nights at 7:00pm.
On Sunday mornings, we meet in the main sanctuary with the adults for a time of Praise & Worship and then we meet together in the TC Kids Rooms. Through a combination of prayer, ministry, games, puppets, object lesson, dramas, and bible stories, we are taught how to grow in our relationship with God.
On Wednesday nights at 7:00, we have a relaxed time of learning the Bible with each other. We have a time of games, music, devotional time, and lots of interaction with one another. Come and join us!
On Sunday mornings, we meet in the main sanctuary with the adults for a time of Praise & Worship and then we meet together in the TC Kids Rooms. Through a combination of prayer, ministry, games, puppets, object lesson, dramas, and bible stories, we are taught how to grow in our relationship with God.
On Wednesday nights at 7:00, we have a relaxed time of learning the Bible with each other. We have a time of games, music, devotional time, and lots of interaction with one another. Come and join us!